Annex A - Research Proposal



Names: Issac Jose Ignatius (13), Anurag Choudary Putti (8), Emmanuel Kasman (12), Low Kai Ferng (17)

Class: S2-08

Group Reference: A

1.    Indicate the type of research that you are adopting:

Observational and exploratory research

2.    Write a research proposal of your interested topic in the following format:

TitleAn Investigation of the distance travelled by a wooden glider

   A.    Question or Problem being addressed

Why do some gliders stay in the air longer than the others?

   B.    Goals / Expected Outcomes / Hypotheses

If wing area or shape of plane is changed, the distance of the plane is affected.

   C.    Independent variable
1. The size of wing area

2. The shape of the plane

   D.    Dependent Variable
-Distance travelled by aircraft

   E.    Constant
-The type of launcher
-The type of wood used

F.     Description in detail of method or procedures (The following are important and key items that should be included when formulating ANY AND ALL research plans.)

Equipment list: 
Balsa Wood
Rubber bands
Epoxy Glue

• Procedures: Detail all procedures and experimental design to be used for data collection

How are you going to gather data?
1. Cut the balsa wood to create the wings and body. Use epoxy glue to hold the wings and body together, and use weights to make all the aircraft equal weight.
2. Create a crossbow glider launcher. Cut out balsa wood and form body of cross bow. Use rubber bands for the string.
3. Launch the planes from a height of 2 meters and at an angle of 45 degrees.
4. Measure the distance flown from the plane and record it down.
  1. Repeat the procedure with other planes.
  2. Make sure each plane has 3 flights and check if results are similar for reliability.

How are you going to collate data?
-Measure time in air.
-Measure distance travelled by aircraft.
-Repeat to ensure results are reliable.
-Put data collected onto a Google Spreadsheet, then in table form.

How are you going to sort data i.e. which data is important?
-Before collating data into a table, we repeat each test 3 times. If results are duplicatable, we will use the result. If results vary, we will find the reason and remake the planes, then try again.

• Risk and Safety: Identify any potential risks and safety precautions to be taken.

List/Identify the hazardous chemicals, activities, or devices that will be used
Epoxy glue

Identify and assess the risks involved
Saw cuts finger 
Epoxy gets stuck on finger and we will have trouble removing it
Splinters when bending Balsa wood

Describe the safety precautions and procedures that will be used to reduce the risks
Teachers supervision when creating the machine

Have alcohol rubbing substance ready in case we need to wash off the glue

List the source(s) or safety information

-Method to prevent epoxy from sticking to a surface when molding? - Car Audio | (18/7/2013). Retrieved from

• Data Analysis: Describe the procedures you will use to analyze the data/results that answer research questions or hypotheses

How are you going to analyse the data?
-After experiment is complete, check data and try again with the planes.
-Continue to try and duplicate results from data to check reliability.
-If erroneous data is found, we will try and find out what happened, and rectify it as soon as possible
-Check if the planes had sustained damage when testing, and if it has, repair or make a new glider and try again.

How are you going to present the data?
-Table, for neater presentation of work
-Raw results from testing will be stored in the logbook for future reference
-To back up the logbook in case it is lost, an extra log will be created on Google Spreadsheet.
-Also, we will each keep a copy of the results on our MacBooks in case results are lost.

D. Bibliography: List at least five (5) major references (e.g. science journal articles, books, internet sites) from your literature review. Choose the APA format and use it consistently to reference the literature used in the research plan. List your entries in alphabetical order. (APA Format)

Basic Ultralight Glider. (18/7/13). Retrieved from

Blaszak, S. (18/7/13.). Retrieved from 

Brasseur E. (18/7/13). Retrieved from

MAKE | Catapult Glider Launcher. (18/7/13.). Retrieved from
How Gliders Fly. (18/7/13.). Retrieved from
Method to prevent epoxy from sticking to a surface when molding? - Car Audio | (18/7/13.). Retrieved from

Model Research Labs. (18/7/13.). Retrieved from 

Preventing Power Saw Injury to Hands - Hand Specialists - Power Saw Accidents - Orthopedic Surgeons in Western Mass - The Hand Center of Western Massachusetts. (18/7/13.). Retrieved from


  1. Please complete asap

  2. Your hypothesis is in the wrong format.
    You need to provide more details for your procedures
    Basically, your proposal is incomplete!
